Warmer homes and lower energy bills with ECO4

The ECO4 scheme, also known as the Energy Company Obligation, was introduced by the government to assist low-income households in making their homes warmer and reducing energy costs. This initiative offers grants for various energy efficiency improvements to help tenants in privately rented properties achieve more comfortable and energy-efficient homes.

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As a tenant in a privately rented property, there are two ways to become eligible for ECO funding:

  1. Help to Heat Group: If you receive government benefits, you may qualify for ECO funding. 
  2. Local Authorities Flex (LA Flex): Your local authority may deem you as living in fuel poverty or being vulnerable to cold conditions, making you eligible for ECO funding. Check your Local Authority’s website for their specific eligibility criteria.
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Let us do the leg work

The specific energy efficiency measures available under ECO4 depend on your property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating. A Thermatic Homes-approved installer can assess your home and recommend suitable measures.

For properties with EPC ratings of E, F, or G, funding may be available for various types of measures. It’s important to note that you’ll need to obtain permission from your landlord before proceeding with any funded works.

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Measures available under ECO4 Scheme for tenants and landlords:

  • Cavity wall insulation
  • Loft insulation
  • External wall insulation
  • Internal wall insulation
  • Room in roof insulation
  • Underfloor insulation
  • First-time central heating
  • Air source heat pumps
  • Heating controls (including smart thermostats)

Please be aware that, at present, replacements for broken boilers or electric storage heaters are not included in the private rented sector.

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If you’re interested in upgrading to a central heating system for the first time, you may be eligible for a free upgrade under the ECO4 scheme.


Loft insulation grants are available under ECO4, which can effectively reduce energy bills by minimizing heat loss through the roof.

Are you eligible for an ECO4 Grant?

Your eligibility for ECO4 energy solutions depends on various factors, including your home’s current energy efficiency rating. To determine this rating, you can use a free online tool to access your property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

Eligibility can also consider a low income, potentially falling under the ECO4 Flex scheme. If you receive certain benefits, you might be eligible, but you should contact your local authority to confirm.

Eligible benefits include:

  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (PCGC)
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC)
  • Child Benefit (subject to income caps and composition)

You don’t need to be a homeowner to benefit from ECO4, but you must obtain your landlord’s permission before proceeding with funded works.

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